Reporting complaints

Tempo-Team considers the quality of services to be very important. That is why we take every complaint seriously. We will be pleased to receive any complaints regarding the services provided by Tempo-Team. This will allow us to optimize services further. Tempo-Team has a complaints procedure for both employers and employees.

Complaints line

If you have a complaint about Tempo-Team’s services and you are unable to resolve the matter with your contact at the branch, submit the complaint via the free complaints line 0800 777 71 11 or via the complaints form below. You will receive a response to your complaint within two working days. We cannot handle an anonymous complaint, unfortunately.

Complaints procedure

The recipient records the complaint in the Tempo-Team complaints form. He or she reads the description of the complaint until the client declares that it accepts it in full. He or she informs the client of the further handling of the complaint.

The manager responsible will be informed immediately, so that action can be taken without delay. The manager receives the complaints form by e-mail. The manager must contact the client within at most two working days of the complaint being received by the Quality Line. If possible, the complaint will be resolved or the measures that can be taken will be coordinated.
After handling of the complaint, the manager completes the complaints form in full and returns this to the Complaints Reporting Center.

Complaints form for employees

Are you familiar with our complaints policy? *

Tempo-Team treats personal data with due care, in accordance with our Privacystatement.

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