Logistic and warehousing jobs in The Netherlands

Did you know that there are almost 500.000 workers in logistics in the Netherlands? That's a lot of people! But, they work here for a good reason. We will tell you all about why you should work in logistics and warehousing in the Netherlands. So stay tuned! We will also tell you what the most common positions are. Maybe you will find your match today!

Why work in logistics as an English speaker

Did you know that there are almost 500.000 workers in logistics in the Netherlands? That's a lot of people! But, they work here for a good reason. We will tell you all about why you should work in logistics and warehousing in the Netherlands. So stay tuned! We will also tell you what the most common positions are. Maybe you will find your match today! 

  • Always a job around the corner
    Logistic jobs are everywhere. That means that there are plenty of logistic jobs near you. Maybe just around the corner!

  • Logistic is for everybody 
    Everybody is welcome in the world of logistics. It does not matter what your interests are, you can work in logistics and warehousing. Young? Old? Great with your hands? Better behind the wheel? There is a job for you!

  • Flexibility
    Logistics and warehousing gives you a lot of flexibility. A lot of employers give you control over your own hours. You can choose how much and when you work! Doesn't that sound great!

  • Money money, money
    Just like the ABBA song, in this field of work you can get shift allowances when you work in the evenings or weekends. You know what that means. More money on top of your regular salary! Yessss

  • Fun 
    Don’t be surprised when a DJ shows up at your job so you can dance with your co-workers during your shift. Or how about a nice snack, think fish and chips from the food truck out front. If that isn't fun then I don't know what is! 

  • Growth opportunities
    In logistic and warehousing jobs there are plenty of opportunities to grow and develop yourself. How about a promotion to foreman, or assistant team leader. If you work hard the possibilities are endless.

  • We can’t live without you!
    A small country like the Netherlands needs to import a lot of goods, and those goods need to get to the right place. That is why logistics and warehousing employees are essential. We just can't live without you. You are essential! How’s that for appreciation for your work😍

Most wanted logistics positions in the Netherlands

What kind of positions are there in the field of logistics? In this field there is a wide range of jobs available, and always in high demand. Do you like racing..uh, i mean driving the speed limit ;), and would you like to become a driver? Or are you a born warehouse operator: the jack of all trades in the warehouse and point of contact for everyone? Read below about all top positions in logistics and who knows, you may find a job that suits you well!

👉Work as an order picker

As order picker you are responsible for collecting the right items from all over the wherehouse to complete and fulfill an order. Because of you, the person who opens their package sees that they have received all the right items! And, as an added bonus, the system that tells you where to go is in english! That's easy! You will have international colleges, lots of opportunities and flexible hours! Need we say more? 

👉Work as a forklift driver

You feel like the king of the world when you speed through the warehouse on your forklift. You do the heavy lifting with your truck and make sure everything is at the right place at the right time. Everything runs smoothly because of you! 

👉Work as a warehouse employee

Can’t choose? An all-round job is the one for you! Your days as werehouseworker are never the same. You can help everybody out with all kinds of jobs. Maybe some order picking in the morning, some packing in the afternoon. This also means that you can work almost anywhere!

Register and apply right away!

Create an account and apply for every offer that interests you! This registration form is not yet available in English though. Why don't you use your browser translator while we work to solve this issue?


Frequently asked questions

  • How do I find jobs for English speakers in the Netherlands?

    Congratulations, you’re halfway there! Tempo-Team has a whole bunch of job offers for English speakers. The Netherlands is a digital country, and almost all recruitment happens online. So if you’re on the lookout for a new job in the Netherlands, your search starts online as well. Read all you need to know before getting started and see the best vacancies for English speakers right away!

    Jobs in the Netherlands


  • Who can work in the Netherlands?

    Technically, everyone can work in the Netherlands! We’re a very multicultural country as you may know already. Nevertheless, some people need to acquire special documentation such as a visa or work permit before they can start their journey. Want to know all the requirements for working in Holland? We’ve got that summed up for you! Read all we have on what you need to start working in the Netherlands.

  • Does Tempo-Team offer seasonal jobs with accommodation?

    Sure we do! In fact, we’ve got a whole team of specialists to help you make some money in summer! Tempo-Team EU-Flex has all of our seasonal jobs bundled together, along with a place to stay, company transport and health insurance. Good package, huh? Check out what EU-Flex has to offer!

  • How can I contact Tempo-Team?

    Easy! Check out all of our offices and contact details. Our colleagues will help you to the best of their ability in English. Did you find an offer that caught your eye? Sweet! Then you can contact your recruiter directly. Their contact details are listed below the vacancy details.

    Jobs for English speakers