Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Act: everything you need to know

At the 1st of August 2022, the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Act (Wtva) will come into effect. The aim? To provide more security for employees. Yes, that includes you! But how does the act provide more certainty? And more importantly: what does it mean for you as a Tempo-Team flex worker? You can read the answers to that and more, right here!

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What’s the Wtva?  

The Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Act is a new law that ensures more clarity for you as an employee about your employment conditions. It also provides more control over your working hours and ensures that your employer pays for compulsory training. The law consists of three main topics:

  1. Compulsory training
  2. Working hours
  3. Extension of the obligation to provide information

1. Education: free compulsory training

Do you have to follow any kind of training in order to do (or continue to do) your work? From the 1st of August 2022, your employer must pay the costs for compulsory training, education or courses. It will cost you zero, nothing, not a penny! Employers must also ensure that you can do this training as far as possible during working hours. Nice!

This mainly relates to mandatory refresher courses, additional training or safety training. For example if you are a truck driver and you have to pass Code 95. 🚚 Or if you need a VCA certificate when working in construction. 👷 But… what if you want to become a teacher or a truck driver? Then the employer doesn’t have to pay for training to become a (qualified) teacher or for obtaining your full driving licence.

Are you employed via Tempo-Team? Then you already have free access to a wide range of courses, training and education via My Growth. 🥳

2. Working hours: knowing when to work

We already let you know as soon as possible when you have to work. But from the 1st of August, we’ll make these agreements even clearer for you. This means you can better combine your work with your private life. Score! 

So… if you’re normally scheduled to work on different days and times, then we’ll see if we can make your working hours a little more predictable! How? By agreeing with you the days and times you’re available. You will only be planned in for work on those days and times. Isn’t that great? 

If we need you on a different day or time, then we’ll consult with you first! If you’re asked to come to work less than four days before the start of your shift and you really can't make it, then you are not obliged to accept the shift. Just let us know ahead of time so we can arrange someone else!

Questions? Check the frequently asked questions down below or get in touch with your Tempo-Team contact! They’ll know exactly what to do.

3. Duty to inform: let’s keep the info rollingggggg!

There’s already a whole list of things we inform you about, such as your salary, holidays, holiday allowance and the duration of the contract. You’ll find this information in your confirmation of posting or secondment, in the Personnel Guide or in the ABU collective labor agreement for temporary workers. From 1 August, you will be even better informed! About what? Well… about this:

  • If you mostly work with a fixed schedule, then we’ll establish that schedule.
  • If you plan your own working times, then there are some ground rules. You’ll get those rules in advance, so you know exactly where you stand.
  • Variable working hours? Then we’ll agree on your availability with you as we can’t provide you with a fixed schedule. This way you only work when it suits you!

Oh and before we forget: this information has to reach you within a week of your first working day. That’s what we call transparency! 

The frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Questions about the new directions? We get it! That is why we have listed the most frequently asked questions and answers for you here.

What’s the Wtva?
The Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Act is a new act that ensures that you as an employee receive even more clarity in advance about your working conditions. It also ensures you have more influence over your working hours and receive free compulsory education. We want to achieve this together by making work more transparent and predictable in advance! You can read exactly how we’ll do that here.

How does the Wtva affect me? 
Not much! In most cases, you’ll simply get more transparency about your contract and work schedule! So… clearer agreements, which you can find more easily. Isn’t that superb?!

If you are employed via Tempo-Team, your Tempo-Team contact person will reach out to you in August. Together, if necessary, you will agree your availability and/or your working hours. Also: together you’ll discuss if you’ll need compulsory training in order to continue your work and whether or not this will be paid for under the new law. 

I work via Tempo-Team. What do I have to do?
Nothing! Your contact person will reach out to you at the beginning of August. Together, you’ll discuss the details of your availability and/or working hours. You can always reach out to your Tempo-Team contact person if you have any questions before then! They’ll know what to do!

I want to do some training for work. Do I have to pay for it? 
It depends on whether or not you need this training in order to continue your work. If so, then the training is most likely mandatory and will be paid for by your employer. If not, then your employer can charge you for it.

Not sure whether it is mandatory? Your Tempo-Team contact person will have the answer! 

I have an on-call contract. What does this mean for me?
With an on-call contract, it’s not always possible to make your working hours more predictable. However, we’ll confirm your availability, if this has not already happened. From now on, we’ll establish this in advance.

What happens if you’re called to work on other days or times? Then you can come to work with pleasure! But if you can't, you can reject the shift. Just let us know beforehand so we can call someone else.

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